
some things are just necessary

so my countless hours at 'the office' have left me with plenty of parting thoughts over the last few months: why i need a new job, exactly how much drawn butter does it take to kill someone, yes i guess that really does happen in a restaurant, as well as several others. however, the most pressing thought on my mind last night as i left was important enough to actually stay on my mind long enough for me to look it up today.

as i sit here typing this, the other tab in my browser is indeed depicting the specifications, price, size, and order information for a residential soda fountain tower. apparently the years of working in restaurants with a variety of sugary beverages at my fingertips have rubbed off on me because lately i've been downing canned sodas like they were going out of style. not that i would install such a beautiful system in my current rented residence, but it satisfies me to know that for only $1,018 plus shipping and installation, i could have my very own dispenser tower with my two favorite flavors of carbonated goodness.

even more interesting and delicious is an apparent 'upgrade' that you can get which turns one of the dispenser outlets into a liquor dispenser. how could you not be the coolest guy on your block with a perfectly refrigerated countertop whiskey and coke machine??? the sheer possibility of this makes my head spin. anyway, my parting thoughts for the evening are those of one day spending four figures on a machine that will give me what i can already get from my refrigerator for absolutely no cost at all.


  1. When you get married Pan and I are going to pool our money and get you this. Seriously.
